Transforming Your Health & Wellness Journey: 11 Actionable Steps for Sustainable and Fulfilling Progress

The journey to better health & wellness often begins with a fixation on external outcomes and the relentless pursuit becomes an all-consuming obsession
Transforming Your Health & Wellness Journey

Transforming Your Health & Wellness Journey:
11 Actionable Steps for Sustainable and Fulfilling Progress

For many people, the journey to better health and wellness often begins with a fixation on external outcomes. Whether it’s chasing a number on the scale or striving for a certain level of fat loss, the focus tends to be on the destination rather than the journey.

In the pursuit of a healthier and more fulfilling life, the concept of transitioning from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation can be a transformative and rewarding journey. Unlike concrete objectives such as shedding a certain number of pounds or following a specific workout routine, transitioning from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation involves a profound change in your mindset, beliefs, and behaviours.

In the pursuit of a healthier and more fulfilling life, the concept of transitioning from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation can be a transformative and rewarding journey

The Extrinsic Trap

The external side of health wellness is where many individuals find themselves initially. It’s a realm where the scale holds immense power, and the relentless pursuit of aesthetic outcomes becomes an all-consuming obsession. This outward-focused approach, while common, can lead to a myriad of issues, including fluctuations in adherence and an unsustainable relationship with one’s health. That’s why transitioning from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation is a vital step towards sustainable and fulfilling progress.

Why do so many people resist the deeper, introspective work needed to transition from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation?

Why are they quick to adopt extreme diets or rigorous workout routines but hesitant to sit with their own thoughts for a few minutes? The answer likely lies in our culture’s failure to teach emotional processing and regulation adequately.

Many of us are never taught how to confront uncomfortable emotions. Instead, we’ve been conditioned to suppress them or push them aside. As a result, when we engage in introspective work, it often stirs up feelings and emotions that we’ve long buried.

The reluctance to embrace this inner work may stem from our lack of skill in processing and sitting with discomfort. When we’re faced with uncomfortable feelings, we tend to run from them rather than befriend them. Yet, the power of transformation lies in acknowledging these emotions and allowing them to exist without judgment.


So, how can someone who has spent a lifetime in this external mindset begin to shift towards intrinsic motivation? Let’s cover the steps involved, tackle common challenges, and explore how to find joy in the process.

Step 1: Self-Reflection and Identity


Imagine staring into a mirror and asking yourself, “Who am I?” This question forms the foundation of your identity. But often, we tend to define ourselves by our roles—parent, friend, professional—rather than our true essence. To initiate a shift towards intrinsic motivation, you must embark on a journey of self-reflection.

Action Step 1: Take a journal and answer the question: Who am I? Go beyond roles and titles to explore your intrinsic qualities and beliefs about yourself.

Step 2: Peeling Back the Layers

As you uncover the layers of your identity, delve into those moments of self-sabotage or start anew. Examine the beliefs you held about yourself during these times. Were they limiting beliefs that hindered your growth? Acknowledge these patterns and beliefs as they are the stepping stones to understanding your identity.

Action Step 2: Recall a specific instance of self-sabotage. What were the underlying beliefs that triggered this behaviour? How did these beliefs manifest in your actions?

Step 3: Identifying Your Real Why

By dissecting the motivations behind external goals, you may start to identify deeper, intrinsic drivers. For instance, someone aiming to lose weight might realize that it’s not just about shedding pounds but about being more active with their children, gaining confidence, or addressing potential health concerns.

Action Step 3: Ask yourself, what lies beyond the numbers? What do you envision as the person who has achieved those goals? What will losing those 20 pounds unlock for you?

Step 4: Identifying Your Belief System

Your belief system acts as a lens through which you view yourself and your capabilities. Identify the beliefs that have held you back from embracing a healthier lifestyle. Perhaps you believed you were not worthy of success or incapable of change. Recognize that these beliefs are not immutable truths but interpretations that can be challenged.

Action Step 4: Write down one limiting belief you have about yourself related to health and wellness. Now, list at least three pieces of evidence that contradict this belief.

Step 5: Finding Evidence to the Contrary


Disprove your limiting beliefs by seeking evidence to the contrary. Look for instances in your life where you have succeeded, demonstrated resilience, or stepped out of your comfort zone. Collect these pieces of evidence to build a case against the negative beliefs you’ve held.

Action Step 5: Share one recent achievement or success related to health or wellness that contradicts your limiting belief. How did this achievement challenge your belief?

Step 6: Embracing the Dynamic Nature of Self

Remember that who you are is not static since we all evolve with time and experiences. Embrace the idea that you are constantly growing and changing. Celebrate your victories and view your setbacks as opportunities for growth. Embracing your evolving self empowers you to overcome challenges.

Action Step 6: Reflect on a recent setback you encountered on your health journey. How can you reframe this setback as a learning opportunity and a step towards your goals?

Step 7: The Importance of the Process

Shifting to intrinsic motivation is not a race against time. It’s a transformative process that requires patience and dedication. Understand that time and randomness are constants that you cannot control. Instead of focusing on achieving a specific outcome within a certain timeframe, commit to gradual, sustainable progress.

Action Step 7: Share your thoughts on time and randomness. How has the pressure of timelines affected your previous attempts to change? How can you shift your perspective to focus on long-term progress?

Step 8: Setting Anchors for Stability

Instead of attempting a complete overhaul, establish anchors—small, consistent habits—that provide stability amid life’s unpredictability. These anchors serve as a foundation, allowing you to navigate challenges while maintaining a sense of progress.

Action Step 8: Identify two anchors you can integrate into your daily routine. How can these anchors serve as a source of stability when life becomes chaotic?

Step 9: Embracing the Joy in the Process


The process of transformation isn’t always smooth or joyful, but finding value in it is essential. Embrace the challenges and discomfort as indicators of growth and progress. Recognize that joy in the process isn’t about being ecstatic every day but about appreciating the journey.

Action Step 9: Reflect on a recent moment during your health journey that brought you a sense of joy or accomplishment. How can you incorporate more of these moments into your routine?

Step 10: Establishing a Support System

Transformation doesn’t happen in isolation. Surround yourself with individuals who support your journey. Seek out mentors, friends, or health and wellness communities that share your goals and values. A strong support system can provide motivation and encouragement during challenging times.

Action Step 10: Share your experiences with building a support system for your health and wellness goals. How have supportive individuals impacted your journey? How have those who consciously or unconsciously tried to sabotage your progress impacted your journey?

Step 11: Celebrating Your Journey of Transformation

Transitioning towards a healthier, fitter version of yourself is a remarkable journey of self-discovery and growth. By engaging in self-reflection, challenging limiting beliefs, and appreciating the process, you can create lasting change.

Action Step 11: Write a letter to your future self, describing the person you envision becoming through this transformative health and wellness journey. Reflect on the steps you’ve learned and the progress you’ve made.



In the pursuit of health and wellness, transitioning from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation is a vital step towards sustainable and fulfilling progress.

Shifting from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation is a profound and deeply rewarding endeavour. It requires self-reflection, a willingness to challenge limiting beliefs, and the patience to appreciate the journey and create a more genuine and lasting connection with your well-being goals. As you navigate this transformative process, remember that it’s not just about achieving external goals but about becoming the best version of yourself. Embrace each step, celebrate your progress, and enjoy the journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

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Additional Resources

Feeling in control of your health

If you are interested in improving your health and wellness, check out other resources such as Our Blog, Free Resources and/or join our private Body-Mind Transformation Secrets Community on Facebook, and The 360 Transformation Blueprint Podcast on Spotify and go on an even deeper dive with me to uncover how to succeed in your health and wellness goals.

You may also be interested in our Sleep Secrets Cheat Sheet. It is a great resource with strategies to fix and optimize your sleep which is crucial to succeeding in your health and wellness goals.


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Manuel Tomas
Manuel Tomas
Articles: 80