About Manuel

Feeling defeated

As a teenager and young adult, I wrestled intensely with body image issues and low self-. I so desperately wanted to transform my body and embody the confident mindset of the people I admired. But despite pouring everything I had into ineffective strategies, I saw little progress. Slipping into disempowering thoughts, I hit plateau after plateau, feeling defeated.

I knew there had to be better methods out there. I studied mentors who modelled success through consistent healthy habits, growth mindset, and self-optimization. Inspired, I dove deep into personal development across fitness, nutrition, mindset and personal growth – books, courses, mentors, research, and experimentation. I integrated evidence-based health practices and saw results.

Transforming body, mind and spirit

After decades of relentless self-education and optimization, I acquired extensive knowledge in proven strategies for transforming body, mind and spirit. I learned techniques to achieve a fit physique, sharpen my mental abilities, manage stress and renew my sense of purpose.

However, I grew frustrated as those around me wasted time and money on superficial approaches, hype-driven fads, and one-size-fits-all programs. I realized what was missing: addressing root causes tailored to the individual.


Integrating Technology

After building expertise in technology over 20+ years, I applied that experience to accelerate my growth. By automating positive habits and removing friction through customized protocols, I achieved exponential improvements.

I refined an integrated framework combining research, technology and real-world wisdom to facilitate personalized breakthroughs. My proven methodology removes roadblocks so you can focus on your greatest potential.

I knew these strategies could empower others struggling to actualize their potential. I spent years helping people in my inner circle. Seeing their remarkable results, I felt compelled to share my methods more widely.

The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction
we are moving.

- Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. -

Helping clients fulfil their potential

First though, I invested in respected certifications to complement decades of experience. With these qualifications, I made my proven system accessible as a certified professional.

Now, as I approach my mid-forties, I channel all I’ve learned to help clients fulfil their potential physically, mentally and emotionally through an approach that creates lasting, lifelong transformation.

At Glance


L1 Nutrition Coach

Nutritional Coaching Institute (NCI)

L2 Nutrition Coach (Peak Performance, Longevity & Aesthetics)

Nutritional Coaching Institute (NCI)

Hormone Coaching Specialist

Nutritional Coaching Institute (NCI)

Mindset Coaching Specialist

Nutritional Coaching Institute (NCI)

Certified Health Coach

American Council on Exercise (ACE)

Certified Personal Trainer

American Council on Exercise (ACE)

Behaviour Change Specialist

American Council on Exercise (ACE)

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