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Contact Us

If your question is not answered in the FAQs below, please fill out the form. We will do our best to respond within 48 hours.

Online Services

Business Hours

Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm

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Need help?

We would love to hear from you! 

You can contact us by completing the form below. We aim to answer all emails within our normal business hours of Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. 

We will get back to you within 1-2 business days.


If you would like to collaborate with LevelUp360, please fill out the form with all the details.


Frequently Asked

Whether it be a request for a speaking engagement, collaboration or interest in being a client,  feel free to reach out to us if you do not find what you are looking for.

Yes, you can do our programs from anywhere you like. You can access everything from your desktop, tablet, and smartphone.

All our services are online, so you have more freedom to do it whenever and wherever you like around the world.

This will vary from person to person and by goal(s). But we recommend a duration for each program of a minimum of 3 months to get actionable results and set new behavior changes that you can keep longer.

Once you have purchased the program that fit your needs you will agree with your coach when is the best time for you, depending on your schedule and needs, and set your day(s) and time for every session of your program.

You could expect see results from the first month. However, results differ for each individual, goals and unique condition, but your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment, actions, and follow-through.

For further information, please visit our Disclaimer page.

We do not make “quick fixes” – Quick fixes may work in the short term but many times they require implementing not necessarily healthy strategies or push you outside the boundaries of what they are prepared for physically and mentally to be effective. Their results are most times reverted very quickly and do not move people towards long-lasting changes.

Although we understand the value that quick fixes can provide to some people, our philosophy is rooted in behaviour-change science and the principles of lifestyle medicine, and how understanding these important concepts translates to preventing and managing chronic diseases, this foundation sets us apart as an effective and dedicated health coaching by providing evidence-based, practical knowledge on how to successfully empower you to sustain lifestyle changes that truly transform health and wellness.

If you would like to collaborate with LevelUp360, please fill out the form above with all the details. 

Make sure to include as much information about the collaboration as possible, including your expectations of LevelUp360, budget for the collaboration and details about how it will be beneficial for both parties.

Thanks for trusting us. Please fill out the Speaker Request form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Thanks for trusting us. Please fill out the Interview Request form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Please fill out the form above with all the details and our team will get back to you as soon as possible, thanks.

LevelUp360 Team is super grateful that you want to send us your product or a gift, but please be aware that there is no guarantee we will share your product as we cannot share everything we receive. 

If it is a food or beauty product you would like to send, please only send products that are 100% organic and natural (free from chemicals and harmful ingredients). You can fill out the form above with your product description and ingredients list (if applied) and our team will get back to you. Thanks!

We are working on it.

But if you like what we do, it is valuable to you and you have learned from us, from lifestyle changes, or how to improve health, among other valuable information. We would be delighted if you would consider sharing this content with your friends and family who may find it helpful, this would help us continue to grow and expand LevelUp360. There is so much we would like to do, and only you could help make it happen.

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