Quit Waiting, Start Doing: How Imperfect Actions Create Results

Real growth comes from taking imperfect action, not from waiting for the “perfect” moment. This principle applies to all goals, but especially health & fitness

Quit Waiting, Start Doing

Quit Waiting, Start Doing: How Imperfect Action Creates Results

When I began my fitness transformation journey years ago, it represented more than just starting a new habit. It embodied an entire mindset and philosophy that has guided me through life – progress over perfection.

In the beginning, I started strength training barely able to squat just the bar and fumbling my way through workouts. My form was far from flawless. But I embraced being a beginner and took the critical first step anyway.

You see, perfectionism is the arch-nemesis of progress. It’s the voice that tells you to wait until everything is just right before beginning. But I’ve learned that real growth comes from taking imperfect action, not from waiting for the elusive “perfect” moment.

This principle applies to all goals, but especially health and fitness. It’s tempting to think, “I won’t join the gym until I’m in better shape.” That’s like saying, “I won’t learn to drive until I already know how.” It’s a paradox we’ve all faced, but one we can overcome.

The greats all began imperfectly. But they persisted through awkward early days to fuel excellence

Both science and experience show that mastery comes from practice and incremental gains, not flawless performance.

Studies of motivation over 35+ years conclude that short-term goals produce substantially higher results than vague long-term ones. Focusing on progress keeps us consistent.

Additionally, research on self-improvement finds that concentrating on learning, not demonstrating competence, boosts achievement. The evidence clearly shows micro wins add up.

Let’s relate this to something we can all understand – learning to drive. Did you wait for perfect conditions to attempt your first lesson? Of course not! You accepted a messy start, knowing practice was the only path forward.

This applies to any skill, whether cooking, coding, or callisthenics. The greats all began imperfectly. But they persisted through awkward early days to fuel excellence.

Yet in fitness, we hesitate to start if we’re currently out of shape. But like driving, the way forward is practice, not the excuse of poor preparation. Progress requires an imperfect first step.

With training, I could’ve waited until I had a home gym and flawless form. But that would violate the core message – take action now, refine later.

The time was right to begin because I showed up as a novice ready to learn. Every fit person’s journey started with messy early reps. I focused on the long game, not instant mastery.

That’s been my entire approach to training. Each humble workout got me 1% better through practice. Over time, those marginal gains created massive transformation.

Had I waited until I could lift heavy perfectly, I’d still be waiting. The time was right when I stopped waiting and started from where I was.

That’s the mentality required in everything. As Voltaire said, “Perfect is the enemy of good.” Perfectionism kills progress through infinite delay. But imperfect action drives growth.

So if you’ve been waiting for the ideal moment to start training, cooking healthy, meditating, or taking any proactive steps – let this be your sign to start now, wherever you are.

Do an imperfect workout. Make progress from your current state. Don’t compare yourself to others on day one – compare yourself to where you were yesterday. Showing up is the first win.

Similarly, your first goal shouldn’t be rapid weight loss or a marathon. Start with a 30-minute walk or one healthy meal a day. Build skill and consistency with small habits.

Imagine where those incremental actions could take you in the coming years. What possibilities might you unlock through practice over time?

The Inexorable March of Time

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Here’s an uncomfortable truth: time marches on steadily no matter what we do. Or don’t do it. The clock is indifferent to our choices. But those choices shape our lives.

When we continuously hit “snooze” on our potential, time keeps slipping away while our dreams drift further out of reach. Before we know it, months or years have passed uneventfully.

But deep down, we know we can’t press “pause.” Life is constantly moving – will we move ourselves in the right direction through action?

It’s like cruising down the highway and suddenly being forced to merge onto a new path. If you hesitate too long, you risk crashing. You have to make a choice under pressure.

In life, choosing to wait and delay IS still a choice. And it takes you farther from your goals and closer to regret.

The Cost of Waiting Rises

Here’s the harsh truth – when we choose to keep hitting “snooze” on our potential, the costs continue ballooning.

The longer we wait to take our health seriously, the more engrained those bad habits become. And often, the more weight we ultimately need to lose.

The more we stall on building that side business, the longer it takes to gain traction. And the more income we sacrifice along the way.

The more we put off ending an unfulfilling relationship, the deeper our connections grow. And the harder it becomes to eventually reset the course.

In other words, waiting around for the perfect circumstances slows momentum exponentially. And makes the challenge far greater down the road.

This is why delaying action can be so dangerous. We tell ourselves it’s temporary, but in reality, we’re crawling farther down the wrong path.

And the further we stray, the harder it becomes to reset course. Those initially minor detours can quickly snowball into catastrophic derailments.

Time to Reset Your Clock

Here’s the good news – it’s never too late to get it right. Just because 5 years have drifted by aimlessly doesn’t mean you have to waste 5 more. You can still revamp your mindset and behaviours starting now.

Yes, in hindsight you may wish you had tackled things sooner. But in 5 years you could feel that same regret if you continue stalling. Break the cycle beginning today!

Sure, you may be starting from a deeper hole. But anything worthwhile requires work, and the sooner you start, the quicker you’ll progress.

Ask yourself – are you moving forward actively or just passively letting the years slip away? Your future self will thank you for taking control of your trajectory at this moment.

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Additional Resources

Feeling in control of your health

If you are interested in improving your health and wellness, check out other resources such as Our Blog, Free Resources and/or join our private Body-Mind Transformation Secrets Community on Facebook, and go on an even deeper dive with me to uncover how to succeed in your health and wellness goals.

You may also be interested in our Sleep Secrets Cheat Sheet. It is a great resource with strategies to fix and optimize your sleep which is crucial to succeeding in your health and wellness goals.



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Manuel Tomas
Manuel Tomas
Articles: 92