The Cost of Waiting: How Putting Off Your Goals Today Impacts Your Tomorrow

Have you been trying to start a new habit or achieve a health goal for years now? But every Monday, you find yourself starting over...again?

The Cost of Waiting

The Cost of Waiting: How Putting Off Your Goals Today Impacts Your Tomorrow

Have you been trying to start a new habit or achieve a health goal for years now? But every Monday, you find yourself starting over…again?

You tell yourself this time will be different. You make a weekend indulgence excuse. And yet Monday comes and you never get traction. Sound familiar?

Think about this, If you had been struggling with “start over on Monday” for the last five years, that means you would have reset over 260 times! Imagine looking back on 260 Mondays where you said to yourself “I’ll just get started next Monday…”,  “I’ll wait till the weekend’s over…”, or “I’m going to get back on track next Monday.”

The clock ticks at the same pace whether we pursue our goals courageously or cower on the couch. Time is indifferent to our choices. But those choices shape our lives

We’ve all been there

We’ve all been there – wanting to make a change but continuously hitting the snooze button. “I’ll start my diet after this weekend…” “I’ll look for a new job after the holidays…” “I’ll start prioritizing my health after things settle down a bit.”

It’s so tempting to keep delaying starting something new or getting “serious” about our goals. But what’s the real cost of waiting? What are we sacrificing each day, week, and year that we remain stagnant rather than springing into action?

Do you ever wonder what would have happened if five years ago you said, “I’m done starting over Monday”?

Imagine this… Think of a goal you’ve been putting off pursuing over the past few years. Maybe it’s finally losing the excess weight, training for your first 5K, launching that side business idea or asking for a promotion at work.

Now, envision where you could be if you had tackled this goal years ago. Let’s say 5 years back. What would be different about your life right now in the present moment?

How much happier, healthier and more fulfilled could you feel if you had taken action back then? How many incredible memories and experiences have you missed out on due to staying stuck?

Here are some questions to ponder:

  • What opportunities did you miss by not going for it sooner?
  • How much further along could your skills be if you had started earlier?
  • What things would you have accomplished already if you began 5 years ago?
  • How would your confidence be different if you had achieved this goal a long time ago?
  • What relationships may have grown stronger through pursuing this passion together?
  • How would you physically feel if this goal was in your rearview mirror years ago?
  • What could your kids, family and loved ones have learned from you reaching your potential earlier?

The reasons we delay are endless. But playing the “what if” game is eye-opening. Those years still passed regardless of our inaction. And all that time is lost forever now.

The Inevitable March of Time

Pocket watch, Time, Sand

Here’s an uncomfortable truth: time marches on steadily no matter what we do or don’t do.

The clock ticks at the same pace whether we pursue our goals courageously or cower on the couch. Time is indifferent to our choices. But those choices shape our lives.

When we continuously hit “snooze” on our potential, time keeps slipping away. And the further our aspirations drift into the distance. Before we know it, months or years have gone by uneventfully.

But deep down, we know we can’t press “pause.” Life is constantly moving – the question is are WE moving in the right direction?

It’s like cruising down the highway and suddenly being forced to merge onto a new path. If you hesitate too long, you risk crashing. You have to make a choice under pressure.

In life, choosing to wait and delay IS still a choice. And it takes you further from your goals and closer to regret.

The Cost of Waiting Goes Up

Here’s the harsh reality – when we choose to keep hitting “snooze” on our potential, the costs continue to rise.

The longer we wait to take our health seriously, the more engrained those bad habits get. And often, the more weight we ultimately need to lose.

The more we stall on building that side business, the longer it takes to get traction. And the more income we sacrifice in the meantime.

The more we put off ending an unfulfilling relationship, the deeper our connections grow and the harder it becomes to reset course.

In other words, waiting around for the perfect circumstances slows our momentum exponentially. And makes the challenge far greater down the road.

This is why delaying action can be so dangerous. We tell ourselves it’s temporary – “I just need a little more time.” But in reality, we’re crawling farther down the wrong path.

And the further we stray, the harder it becomes to reset course. Those initially minor detours can quickly turn into total derailments.

Time to Reset Your Clock

Here’s the positive flip side to this harsh reality check – it’s never too late to get it right. The moment to start is NOW.

Just because 5 years have drifted by aimlessly doesn’t mean you need to waste 5 more. You can still revamp your mindset and behaviours. You just may be digging out of a deeper hole.

But anything worth having is worth working for. And the sooner you start, the quicker you’ll progress.

Sure, in hindsight you may wish you had tackled things sooner. But in 5 years you could feel that same regret if you continue stalling. Break the cycle now!

The Takeaway

Woman with wavy hair holding clock

Life is nothing but a series of moments, days, and years all strung together. We must make the absolute most of this precious time we’ve got.

Drifting in neutral gets us nowhere. We either move forward or backwards – there is no “pause.”

So ask yourself today – am I actively chasing my goals and dreams? Or am I passively letting the years slip by? Your future self will thank you for acting now and seizing the day.

The time is now. Your future is calling. What will you create?

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Additional Resources

Feeling in control of your health

If you are interested in improving your health and wellness, check out other resources such as Our Blog, Free Resources and/or join our private Body-Mind Transformation Secrets Community on Facebook, and The 360 Transformation Blueprint Podcast on Spotify and go on an even deeper dive with me to uncover how to succeed in your health and wellness goals.

You may also be interested in our Sleep Secrets Cheat Sheet. It is a great resource with strategies to fix and optimize your sleep which is crucial to succeeding in your health and wellness goals.


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Manuel Tomas
Manuel Tomas
Articles: 92