The Invisible Saboteur: Understanding and Overcoming Self-Sabotage

It feels like some invisible gremlin within us purposely derails our progress right when we start gaining momentum. But what causes this self-sabotage?

The Invisible Saboteur

The Invisible Saboteur: Understanding and Overcoming Self-Sabotage

We’ve all been there – things are going great with your goals when suddenly…you sabotage it all.

Maybe you skip one too many workouts. Or you “fall off the wagon” with your diet. Or you start procrastinating at work right when that big promotion is in sight.

It feels like some invisible gremlin within us purposely derails our progress right when we start gaining momentum. But what causes this self-sabotage? And more importantly, how can we stop it?

Let’s find out. But a warning upfront – things are about to get real…

Recognise you have an unaware inner saboteur. That's the only way to start defending against it

The Subconscious Saboteur

First, we have to understand – self-sabotage is almost always subconscious. You’re not consciously choosing to fail. At least not at the moment.

Instead, you drift off course slowly, in tiny steps you don’t notice. Tracking your food becomes “eyeballing” portions. Missing one workout turns into three. Staying late at the office becomes your everyday norm.

You don’t realize what’s happening under the surface. It’s like driving on autopilot and making the wrong turn. You’re oblivious in the moment.

This invisible saboteur within you operates when your guard is down. That’s why self-sabotage is so hard to overcome.

So first step – recognise you have an unaware inner saboteur. That’s the only way to start defending against it.

Why We Self-Sabotage

But why do we derail our own progress in the first place? What causes this mysterious self-sabotage phenomenon?

Reason #1 - Identity

Your inner saboteur is powered by your underlying identity – your core beliefs about yourself. Your sense of self acts like a thermostat set to a particular temperature.

When your identity is fixed at a certain level, progress beyond that feels uncomfortable. Your inner thermostat kicks in to bring you back down to what feels familiar.

This is why people often sabotage back to a similar weight, income level, or degree of unhappiness. It aligns with their self-image.

Reason #2 - Self-Preservation

Your brain is wired for self-preservation above all else. Your mind gravitates toward what is familiar and comfortable – even if it’s unhealthy or unfulfilling – because it feels safer and more secure.

When you start making real change, your brain panics. Who is this new person? Is this progress real or will it hurt me? Your inner guard dog starts barking to protect you.

Reason #3 - Habit

We are creatures of habit. When you repeat behaviours for months or years, they become ingrained subconsciously.

Your self-sabotage habits become automatic, like sliding phantom glasses up your nose even when they’re not there.

Reason #4 - Emotion

Letting emotions hijack your choices is another sabotage trap. Making decisions based on momentary feelings rather than your goals causes derailment.

Getting thrown off course by one bad weigh-in, one rejection at work, one fight with your partner – that’s giving your emotions the driver’s seat.

How to Stop Your Inner Saboteur


As we have seen earlier, the first step to outsmarting self-sabotage is awareness – spotting the patterns and understanding why they happen. But then what? How do you actually stop self-sabotage in its tracks?

1. Name the Pattern

Shine a spotlight on your unique sabotage sequence. Recognize the specific thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Putting a label on the pattern reveals you’re not helpless within.

2. Have an Action Plan

Pre-decide what you’ll do when you catch yourself self-sabotaging. If you give in to emotions – go for a walk first. If you get impatient – review your vision. Now you have firm responses ready.

3. Rewrite Your Story

If your identity triggers sabotage, work on reshaping your self-narrative. Remind yourself regularly of who you want to become. Affirm you’re worthy of happiness, progress and fulfilment.

4. Keep Fighting Back

Moments will come when your inner saboteur rears its head. Expect this! In those moments, actively fight to do what’s familiar. Break the habit cycle. Your brain will resist, but stay strong.


With raised self-awareness and the right strategies, you can foil self-sabotage when it strikes. The key is recognizing your patterns, planning counterattacks, and persevering through the discomfort of change.

It’s time to call out that inner saboteur and take back control. Your goals are waiting.

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Additional Resources

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If you are interested in improving your health and wellness, check out other resources such as Our Blog, Free Resources and/or join our private Body-Mind Transformation Secrets Community on Facebook, and The 360 Transformation Blueprint Podcast on Spotify and go on an even deeper dive with me to uncover how to succeed in your health and wellness goals.

You may also be interested in our Sleep Secrets Cheat Sheet. It is a great resource with strategies to fix and optimize your sleep which is crucial to succeeding in your health and wellness goals.


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Manuel Tomas
Manuel Tomas
Articles: 92