Why You Dread Working Out and What To Do Instead

True lifelong health & fitness is about more than just washboard abs or marathon times. It’s about creating a sustainable lifestyle that brings you genuine joy

Why You Dread Working Out and What To Do Instead

Why You Dread Working Out and What To Do Instead

True lifelong health and fitness is about more than just washboard abs or marathon times. It’s about creating a sustainable lifestyle that brings you genuine joy through movement. But let’s be honest – many workout routines bring more dread than happiness. What’s behind this exercise dread? And how can you move past it to find physical activities you look forward to?

Unpacking the Roots of Workout Dread

Do any of these mental roadblocks sound familiar?

  • Forcing yourself into intense bootcamp classes because they’re trendy or because you have been told they “burn fat” but not because you enjoy them
  • Ignoring pain and injury signals from your body in order to “push through” a workout
  • Feeling too drained and tired to exercise, but dragging yourself to a class anyway
  • Starting new workout routines with enthusiasm only to quickly lose steam after a few weeks
  • Letting your inner critic convince you that you “don’t deserve rest days”

Many people override internal wisdom and force themselves into punishing exercises in hopes of quick results. But this breeds mental resistance and dread over time.

The first step is acknowledging the specific ways dread and avoidance show up for you. Get curious about why certain activities drain you. This paves the way for more joyful fitness alternatives.

True lifelong health and fitness is about creating a sustainable lifestyle that brings you genuine joy through movement

Tailor Your Workouts to What Makes You Feel Alive

Next, get clear on the types of exercise that make you feel energized and motivated. What activities have brought you genuine joy and fulfilment in the past? How can you incorporate more of that into your routine?

Give yourself full permission to stop forcing workouts that don’t resonate in your body and soul. Experiment until you find movements that make you feel strong, capable and alive. You’ll be amazed at how your consistency skyrockets when you exercise in ways that feel personalized and good. Dread transforms into intrinsic motivation.

Small Steps to Regain Your Exercise Motivation

When you’ve fallen into a rut of workout dread, just getting started again can feel daunting. Here are some realistic starting points:

  • Schedule just 10 minutes for movement every day – dancing, stretching, anything that brings joy
  • Swap dread-inducing workouts for activities you find fun – hike, play sports
  • Recruit an enthusiastic (not drill sergeant) exercise buddy for motivation
  • Give yourself permission to take a day off when you need to rest
  • Focus on how incredible you feel after moving vs. the effort it takes to start
  • Celebrate small fitness milestones – every little bit of progress counts
  • Stay patient and persistent. Lasting change doesn’t happen overnight

Your workouts should make you feel energized, not depleted. Keep exploring until you find your fit.

Tune Into Your Body's Needs

Lifelong fitness is about working with your body, not against it. Yet many override their body’s wisdom in favour of overly intense or rigid regimens.

Are nagging aches and pains begging you to slow down? Scale back and try gentle restorative activities like walking, swimming or yoga.

Is anxiety or stress making intense workouts counterproductive? Opt for relaxing exercises like stretching or foam rolling instead.

Has your exercise approach remained static for years even as your needs evolve? Reassess how different workouts make you feel right now. Customize your regimen to support your current energy levels and lifestyle.

See exercise as an act of self-care rather than punishment. Treat your body with compassion.

Cultivate an Empowering Mindset Shift

Often the biggest transformation needs to happen internally before external change can stick. Your mindset matters.

Rather than another chore, see exercise as special “me time” to nourish your body, mind and soul. Arrive to your workout with purpose, not dread.

Release judgmental inner voices criticizing your efforts. Meet yourself where you’re at with encouragement. Progress takes time.

Focus on how movement makes you feel – leaner, stronger, more grounded and capable in your body. Let these benefits pull you forward.

Envision the active, vibrant person you aspire to be. What fitness goals crystallize that vision? Write them down and get specific. Channel this vision into motivation.

Shape an Intuitive Lifestyle

Young fit doing fitness workout with plank

Effective fitness is about progress, not perfection. Stay present and listen to your body’s signals. Let this intuition guide your nutrition and exercise choices day-to-day.

Keep exploring new activities until you find those that make your soul light up. Follow your enthusiasm.

Schedule proper rest and recovery to balance rigorous training. This prevents burnout.

Incorporate nourishing whole foods into your diet but leave room for celebration. Deprivation backfires.

Treasure fitness for the way it energizes you and brings joy, not just aesthetic results.

Check in with yourself regularly – how can you adapt your regimen to support your body and life right now? Change is the only constant.


Ditch the dread, and rediscover the joy of movement. What’s one small step you can take today to move toward workouts that energize you?

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Additional Resources

Feeling in control of your health

If you are interested in improving your health and wellness, check out other resources such as Our Blog, Free Resources and/or join our private Body-Mind Transformation Secrets Community on Facebook, and The 360 Transformation Blueprint Podcast on Spotify and go on an even deeper dive with me to uncover how to succeed in your health and wellness goals.

You may also be interested in our Sleep Secrets Cheat Sheet. It is a great resource with strategies to fix and optimize your sleep which is crucial to succeeding in your health and wellness goals.



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Manuel Tomas
Manuel Tomas
Articles: 92